NSENG is the largest job search group in the US & we’ve helped over 3,000 job seekers to get re-employed!

Membership is FREE!

Over 12,000 members with 1 member
landing a new job each day. 

Join NSENG Now – receive 2 job search videos & access to coaching services & 20 webinar/workshop recordings.

The 4 NSENG services listed below can shorten your job search!






The NorthShore Executive Networking Group (NSENG) was founded by job search coach, Marty Gilbert, and is a supportive organization that provides tactics and marketing-driven strategies that help shorten your job search journey. NSENG is the largest and fastest growing job search networking organization in the US and more than 1 member has been landing a new job every day for the past 6 years. NSENG events are in-person and online so it serves a breadth of job seekers across the globe through its job search coaching, webinars and workshop recordings.

Job search coaching services that emphasize the “marketing” effort required to package, position and promote your unique competencies–and accelerate the job search. It also includes Marty Gilbert’s trademarked “What the Hell Approach to Job Search”®.

Webinar and workshop recordings that provide tactical ways to accelerate and shorten your job search.

An interactive environment for professionals to network, hear presentations from job search experts, learn from one another and gain introductions to key individuals within companies that they are targeting to obtain their next opportunity!

Meetings that attract a diverse membership of single contributors, managers, directors, VPs and C-level individuals who all bring extensive networks which expand each member’s reach to influential connections. No need to pre-register for meetings.

Engaging speakers who present immediately actionable job search advice.

Small group networking sessions at each meeting to share contacts and gain warm introductions into target companies.

Talent Recruitment Program to help internal and external recruiters to quickly find high quality talent for their open positions by leveraging the NSENG membership.

NSENG’s newsletter and job leads can be received by becoming a member. Click here for your free NSENG membership.

Quotes from individuals familiar with NSENG and it’s job search coaching services:

“What an incredibly helpful group. I didn’t have enough focus to my job search and by attending a networking and LinkedIn webinar, I got 3 interviews with 3 different companies within 2 weeks. Marty’s tactics really work and generate positive activity”.

Finance Manager

“Marty unlocked the Vault. He took me through his very methodical approach to job search, focusing on what has worked for him personally. No text book approach here – Marty rolled up his sleeves and surgically dissected my resume, LinkedIn profile, handbill, cover letters, search engines optimization, and taught me how to use resources that I didn’t know existed. Truly a Top 5 Lifetime Investment for me.”

Chief Executive Officer

“Marty delivers highly personalized and comprehensive 1:1 coaching. He quickly addressed my key objectives by unearthing my most marketable skills and suggest processes for improvement. In addition to his tailored recommendation, I learned a wealth of best practices that would be impossible to quantify here. I highly recommend NSENG and Marty’s coaching services to any executive conducting a job search.

VP Marketing

“Marty’s ‘WHAT THE HELL APPROACH TO JOB SEARCH’ is a real game-changer. I applied several of his WTH moves and I started getting beating the Applicant Tracking System by going around it and getting right to the key decision-makers. Landed a new job in 4 weeks.”

Healthcare Executive

“Marty is clearly able to draw upon his career experiences in order to develop actionable job searching strategies and tactics that work. I found him to be friendly and a great listener, while also being very action and results-oriented in his approach, which is just what I needed. Ultimately, he helped me to re-frame my thinking around the role of networking in both job searching and career management, while providing me with specific advice that I was able to immediately put to use. He’s a pleasure to work with.

Director of Analytics

“Marty is a job search expert and has a gift for writing. He summarized my value proposition as well as provided meaningful insight and guidance that helped me craft my resume and LinkedIn profile. After working with Marty, I’ve learned the most efficient approach to be successful in my job search.

Client Relationship Executive

“Marty’s support was instrumental in helping me maintain a growth mindset during my job search. His coaching and connections are top-notch, and he manages the most valuable and productive professional networking group in the Chicago area. I highly recommend Marty Gilbert as an executive coach.”

Product Innovation Manager

“NSENG really fosters information sharing and I’ve found the members to be very open to making introductions to key decision-makers that I could never get to on my own.”

Chief Operating Officer

“Marty… I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the amazing NSENG program and networking activities you have created. I think the quality of speakers you offer and the momentum that you have built is terrific. I know that many of our candidates at Kensington International attend your events and they always come back stating how valuable they are. Having the reach that your group provides is critical in the networking process. Thanks again for your compassion, caring, enthusiasm and support of those in transition.”

Executive Coach - Kensington International Outplacement

“I’m go glad I came to Marty’s workshop on The What the Hell Approach to Job Search– I didn’t realize how much I could have been doing better and more effectively in my job search. I’m definitely energized to try this new approach.”

Director of Sales

“I was struggling with how to position myself, never mind building a new resume. Marty to the rescue. He is thoughtful and flexible, and customizes his approach based on the needs of his clients. In addition to helping me get effective words on a piece of paper, his thoughts and feedback armed me with the confidence I need to find my next success. I am so grateful that Marty decided to pursue coaching full-time — he’s a natural!”

Marketing Director

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