I’ve been holding an NSENG Holiday Party for the past 10 years and COVID-19 is not going to hold us back from continuing this tradition. We can do this virtually and you can still engage the other NSENG members with a drink in your hand if you wish– you’ll just be doing it from the comfort of your own home this time. As in the past, your participation in this event is FREE and you are welcome to extend the invitation to anyone you know who may be in a job search. THERE IS NO NEED TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT. THE FIRST 500 ATTENDEES GET IN SO PLEASE TRY TO ARRIVE A BIT EARLY. HERE ARE THE ZOOM LINK DETAILS:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81139124022?pwd=UFpFZ1hUc3QwUmFIRnd6bUMyQ0phUT09
Passcode: 197137
Meeting ID: 811 3912 4022
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
During the party I will share some opening remarks along with my observations of what I’m seeing in the job search marketplace:
- What is and isn’t working for job seekers.
- What you can do to position yourself better in 2021
- How you can leverage the NSENG network to its fullest
I will then break everyone up into smaller breakout rooms so that each of you:
- Has an opportunity to share a bit about your background
- Make some valuable contacts
- Discuss some of the job search topics that I’ll ask all of you to discuss in your smaller groups so that you can learn from one another
I know that this has been a tough year for many of you but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s use this time to end the year on a high note and know that you are never in this journey alone… the NSENG community and its members are right there with you.