
For the job seeker who wants to improve their search by getting a hands-on learning experience in a small group setting, NSENG offers online workshops on specific topics that can help shorten your search. Led by NSENG founder and job search coach, Marty Gilbert, these small group sessions provide insightful presentations in combination with practical applications of what you’ve learned. Below are details of upcoming workshops and the agendas. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, these workshops are being conducted online via the Zoom platform.


3-hr online workshop: “HOW TO CREATE & IMPLEMENT AN EFFECTIVE JOB SEARCH PLAN” PLUS a 40-min webinar recording on “How to Build a Target Company List”
Date:  Wed Nov 17th, 6:00-9:00pm Central time ($80)
Presenter:  Marty Gilbert (NSENG Founder/CEO & Job Search Coach)
The entire 3-hour workshop is being recording so if you cannot attend, you can still get access to the recording as long as you register beforehand OR purchase the recording later.